Monday, September 1, 2008

Hardcore Cardio

Do you hate treadmills and stationary bikes? I don't blame you, spending a half hour on them and going nowhere doesn't thrill me either. Go to the amazon search feature on this blog and look for sledge hammers. there a great way to strengthen your core, back and arms all while challenging your cardio. Start with an 8lbs hammer, when you can do a minute straight at full power move up to the 12lbs hammer. There are many exercises that can be done with sledge hammers but to start we will stick swinging. Always master basics first. Her is a video of olympian Adler Volmar getting ready for the Judo U.S Open.

What are you waiting for? Get to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Wii Fitness is very good and much more likely to be found on amazon then a store. We searched forever.

It keeps up with your weight, BMI, and does all these tests. Wii LOVES!